Welcome to United Tribes of North Carolina
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50th Anniversary Unity Conference
2025 Unity conference will be held at the Sheraton Koury Convention Center, 3721 West Gate Blvd. Greensboro, NC.
Our Mission
United Tribes of North Carolina's mission is to promote educational, economic, religious, charitable, and cultural activities for American Indian people. We are a 501(c) 3 nonprofit corporation to provide greater coordination and unity among American Indian state tribes and organizations of the State of North Carolina.
Who we support
United Tribes of North Carolina activities include the sponsorship of the annual North Carolina Indian Unity Conference and the annual Miss Indian North Carolina Pageant. We provide support as needed to the North Carolina Senior Citizen Coalition, the North Carolina Native American Youth Organization, and the North Carolina Native American Council on Higher Education. UTNC coordinates the production of the annual North Carolina Indian Heritage Month poster, and provides scholarships to outstanding American Indian students.
What we do
Unity conference each year to bring American Indians together. Which the conference includes General Assemble with special speakers,Variety of workshop throughout the conference. Gospel Singing, Hospitality hour, Banquet, Present community awards to outstanding individuals in the North Carolina American Indian communities, Breakfast & Awards. Present a Cultural Exchange Pow Wow.
Virtual workshop schedule for Sept 17, 2024 at 7pm to 8pm Public invited
Virtual Workshop >Kindship Care In Child Welfare
Kinship Care In Child Welfare
Jessica Frisina, Foster Care Coordinator, NC Division of Social Services
Learn how the North Carolina Department of Social Services defines kinship care, with some new family kin now eligible, and what resources are available to support keeping children and youth experiencing foster care placed in kin families.
Workshop Presenters:
Jessica Frisina currently serves as the Foster Care Coordinator within the NC Division of Social Services. With a strong belief in the power of diverse perspectives, Jessica strives to foster collaboration and drive essential change for children and families affected by the child welfare system. Jessica's career includes experience in CPS assessments, foster care, and adoptions. In 2021, she joined NC DSS where she plays a role in analyzing, evaluating, and developing child welfare policy, with a particular emphasis on permanency planning.
Jenny Milsap’s career includes experience with foster home licensing with County DSS for 12 years and Guardian Ad Litem supervisor for over a year before coming to the NC Division of Social Services in August 2023. Jenny has a passion for foster home licensing and has been assisting in developing policy on kinship licensing track.
Rhoda Ammons currently serves as Program Consultant with Regulatory and Licensing within the NC Division of Social Services. Rhoda has been with the Regulatory and Licensing since 2000 and prior to coming to the Division she worked within Child welfare. Rhoda has a wealth of knowledge regarding child welfare and licensing of foster homes.
DISCLAIMER: United Tribes of North Carolina provides informative content for workshops, but we do not offer legal advice. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the workshop content and information provided by the coordinator, but we cannot guarantee it. For any specific questions or legal advice, we recommend consulting with the workshop coordinator/presenters. Please note that United Tribes of North Carolina is not responsible for undertaking additional research on issues/questions discussed in a workshop. Nor is United Tribes obligated to provide additional information beyond what is provided by the workshop coordinator/presenters.
Miss Indian North Carolina 2024-2025
Miss Zianne
*Miss Indian North Carolina pageant is a title and event created, owned, and sponsored by United Tribes of North Carolina