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Age Group:❏10 and under ❏11-14 ❏15-17 ❏ Adult (18+)

Writing Categories

  • Poetry (Not to exceed 32 lines)

  • Inspirational/Religious/Spiritual (Not to exceed 1,000 words)

  • Fiction: Genre (fantasy, sci-fi, romance, mystery, historical fiction, etc.) or mainstream short story (Not to exceed 1,000 words)

  •  Non-Fiction: Current issue, informational, historical non-fiction (Not to exceed 1,000 words)

  •  Memoir (Not to exceed 1,000 words)

Please be sure to read and satisfy ALL Participant Guidelines:

*To enter, applicant must be an enrolled member of a federally or state recognized American Indian tribe and currently residing in North Carolina, or live in another state but are enrolled in a North Carolina state recognized tribe. A copy of tribal enrollment card must be attached with application. Youth under 18 who do not have a tribal enrollment card but participate in an Indian Ed program may attach proof of a complete, active 506 form from their Indian Ed program. Entry will be disqualified if no proof of tribal membership in a federally or state-recognized tribe (card or 506) is provided with application.

* NC state recognized tribes: Coharie Indian Tribe, Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe, Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, Meherrin Indian Tribe, Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation, Sappony, Waccamaw-Siouan Indians. Federally recognized tribe(s) in North Carolina: Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

• Completed application form and proof of tribal affiliation must accompany each writing entry.
• Only original unpublished writings will be accepted.
• Do not submit any entry from previous years.
• Entries are limited to 3 pieces per writer.
Title of writing, author’s name, number of words (be sure of word count), age, and category must appear on
the top right-hand corner of the writing entry. If this does not appear, work will be disqualified. Must be submitted in Microsoft Word or pdf format (no jpg).
• Entries must be typed, double spaced, one side only on 8 1⁄2 x 11 paper. Page numbers on the right hand bottom corner.
Entries must be submitted online by midnight Friday, February 6, 2025.
No late entries accepted. Late entries will be disqualified. Please plan ahead to ensure your entry is emailed by midnight, February 6, 2025.
• Winners will be announced during the Awards Breakfast on Saturday, March 8, 2025. Please plan to attend!
• All submitted entries may be published in Unity Conference program books or United Tribes publication.

For questions, please contact Writing Coordinator: Rebecca Locklear at or Jessie Jacobs at

Sample of Judge scoring sheet

Age Group:
❏10 and under
❏Adult (18 up)
*Tribal Enrollment: ________________________________
*NC Federally- and State-recognized tribes: Coharie, Eastern Band Cherokee, Haliwa-Saponi, Lumbee, Meherrin,Occaneechi, Sappony, Waccamaw-Siouan.

❏A copy of entrant’s tribal enrollment card has been provided.

Writing Entry Title: _______________________________________________________
Writing Entry Category: __________________________________________________

The higher the points, the better the writing. Points: 1 (low) - 10 (high)


Writing entries are judged on: 

1. Did the writer follow contest directions? (No=0, Yes =10) (Formatting, word count, etc.)
2. Beginning - Was it a great opening?

  • Did it grab your attention and draw you in? Make you want to keep reading?

3. Writing Foundations

  • Is the point of view consistent or structurally sound?

  • Is it age appropriate for the genre category?

  • Is the style/tone/voice/approach appropriate to the genre and well done?

4. Structure

Fiction: Story Elements - Can you identify the

  • Beginning, middle and end

Non-fiction: Organizational Structure - Can you identify the

  • Purposeful organizational structure (main idea/details, compare/contrast, chronological, etc).

  • Is the organizational structure effective?

Poetry: Structure – Is the

  • Flow, use/not use of verse or stanza effective?

  • Use/not use of rhyme effective and/or consistent?

  • Line breaks and word structure on the page effective?

5. Writing Craft

  • Did the piece hold your attention overall?

  • Was the pacing, character development, concept development and tension effective?

  • Was it intriguing?

  • Did the writer use evocative descriptive language?

  • Was the concept clear?

  • Did it make you want to read more from this writer?

6. Ending

  • Was it intriguing, satisfying, or believable?

  • Did it provide resolution (or was it written clearly if the intent was to NOT provide resolution)?

7. Writing Conventions (Many errors=0, No errors=10)

  • Spelling, punctuation, grammar


Grand Total out of 70 total possible points: _______

Comments or suggestions for storyteller:

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